
When Aurizon asked Everyday Massive to collaborate with them to build awareness about their Diversity & Inclusion Strategy, we jumped at the chance. Spreading the good word about the benefits of more inclusive workplaces is a cause that’s close to our hearts.


So we invited their team to our studio for a day of strategy, and together we challenged ourselves to reimagine diversity and inclusion communication, and to create something that could be the catalyst to fundamentally start to shift culture.


At EM we’re big believers in creating a more inclusive, diverse and gender-balanced work environment. Not just because it's the right thing to do, but it also makes business sense and research supports this. It’s certainly no secret that inclusive teams also improve performance and the bottom line. 

So, we set about creating something that would communicate about diversity and inclusion through the lens of:


With the experience of:


We also strategised ways to help their team experience a moment of deep insight — an experience that changes the way they see the world because they understand the problem and want to be a part of the solution — an experience that brings a realisation that it’s not just everyone else that needs to change, but me too.


The solution?

A video that explores diversity and inclusion through the awesome power of human connection.

Aurizon are the masters of connection. They connect commodities to consumers, products to ports, and regional Australia to the world. 

But if we think about connection beyond commodities, rail networks, ports and consumers; if we think about the power of connection between people… connection energises people. It sparks powerful moments of insight. Connection is at the heart of inclusion.

Inclusion is something we experience because of connection. It’s when we feel genuinely connected because of our uniqueness — our diversity.

Inclusion through human connection. It’s what helps people thrive. It’s what powers Aurizon. It’s what will fuel the future.

And here’s the end result:
